X-Ray-Misfire, 2024
Metal funnel for targets, illuminants, cables, glass, backlit photos, backlit targets, wooden magazine holder,...
Paradise, 2016–18
Photographs from the series Metameric Colors, Color slides, back-lit, 88 x 123 cm each...
On the road, 2015–17
Photographs from the series Metameric Colors, color slides, back-lit, 70 x 100 cm eachInstallation...
Toward the End, 2013–17
Photographs from the series Metameric Colors, color slides, back-lit, 88 x 123 cm each,...
Sleeping Houses, 2017
Series of residential houses, photographed in the area of public street lighting and presented...
Showcasing Light, 2013–16
Photographs from the series Metameric Colors, Color slides, back-lit, 70 x 100 cm each...
The Hamburg Miracle and the X-rays, 1993
Negative reprofilms coated with phosphorous paint, acrylic glass, galvanised wall bracket, UV light projectors,...